YWCA Women’s Empowerment 360° Program

Are you aware that the YWCA Tri-County Area currently offers a Women’s Empowerment Program for budding or already established women entrepreneurs?

The program is called YWCA Women’s Empowerment 360° Program or also known as WE360°.

WE360° program is designed to help women overcome barriers to starting, growing, and sustaining businesses while providing educational tools to increase their knowledge and confidence as entrepreneurs. There is no age limit or region restrictions for participants.


Blossoming entrepreneurs who enroll in the program will gain access to:

  • Online coaching from experienced professionals

  • Numerous educational business programs

  • Wrap-around services (childcare, housing, etc.)


We are looking to share this unique opportunity with as many women entrepreneurs as we can, and we could use your help. Please refer any interested participants, students, or parents to the WE360° program. I’ve included an updated flyer that can be printed, shared, and displayed with your organization.

Here is the link to the Assessment Form for participants to learn more and register: Click Here